Guide to Finding Organic Farm Eggs in Texas
Guide to Finding Farm-Raised Organic Eggs in Texas I wish it was as simple as saying "Google it.", but finding fresh organic eggs in Texas can be a bit more difficult than that. Sure, you could go to the grocery store and spend $7 per carton of pasture-raised organic eggs, but then you have no idea where they come from or if they are really what they say they are. I've found a few different online directories, but they are not always up to date. The Best Online Farm Directories: Local Hens - Local Hens gives you the ability to put what you are looking for into a search along with your zip code and how far you are willing to travel to buy your food. This has been a great resource for me as I've been growing the Farm-Raised Eggs & Chicken brand and I hope to one day be listed on there! Local Harvest - Local Harvest is another local directory for farms that seems to be updated often enough. There have been a few times where I've called and the listed farm is...